Former Grace patient now welcomes as a front desk volunteer

Once a patient, Kingstona Saint Lot now assists patients as a front desk volunteer at Grace Medical Home.

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Kingstona, 19, first arrived at Grace as a patient in 2018 while she was in high school. Originally from Haiti, she came to the United States four years ago. She said it was a big adjustment moving countries, and the changes were major when it came to school. In Haiti, school is every day and was two hours away from her home, meaning sometimes she would get home as late as 8 p.m. She also said in Haiti, no money means no medical care. 

When she came to Grace as a patient, Kingstona said she felt like she was in a safe environment, and would often come in the morning during prayer and devotion. 

“It’s so welcoming,” she said. “They’re always glad to help you out.”

Kingstona now attends Valencia College, and as her spring classes came to an end, she was looking for ways she could be active in the community and use her time to serve. As a front desk volunteer, Kingstona greets patients as they arrive for appointments and fields phone calls.  

And her interest in health spans beyond just volunteering at Grace. Kingstona said she has dreams of becoming a physical therapist. But for now, she serves as a welcoming face to Grace’s many patients.