Art Classes Build Resiliency

Grace recently celebrated the culmination of visual arts classes for some of our pediatric patients. Created and led by Gap Year Intern Gabby Hammond, the program introduced the arts as a coping strategy and emotional outlet to help build participants’ resilience.

Patients gathered weekly in the Grace Knowledge Room and learned how to use a wide variety of mediums including acrylic paint, watercolor paint, and oil pastels. Art supplies were provided through a partnership with Central Florida Community Arts, a local nonprofit that focuses on bringing art to the local community. The funding also provided additional supplies for participants to continue their creative activities after the program’s end.

The first class of each session centered on getting participants comfortable with making art and being creative, utilizing activities such as finger painting and collage making. As the sessions progressed, the activities required more intention and challenged the budding artists to create art expressing how they feel or illustrating their emotions.

The culmination of the program featured an Art Show, showcasing the participants artwork created throughout the eight-week sessions. Friends, family members, and Grace staff all came to see all the incredible art created.

“Two months ago, all of the participants were shy about their work,” noted Gabby. “But on the last day, they were so excited for their family and friends to see their work. It was wonderful to see them proudly posing for pictures next to their art with the most amazing smiles on their faces. Parents’ reactions to their children’s art were also priceless. They were beaming with pride.”