A Change of Health

Carlene first came to Grace Medical Home in 2011 for regular checkups due to severe bronchitis triggered by allergies and lower back pain. During a routine checkup, her  primary care provider, Michelle Cornell, APRN, discussed Carlene’s elevated blood sugar, A1c and weight gain. Her elevated A1c and weight gain placed her in the prediabetic stage. Michelle provided a list of resources to help reduce Carlene’s diabetic risk.

Carlene had already started to make some changes to her health and the news about her A1C gave her the extra push to stay on a health journey. Her goal was to achieve a lifestyle change instead of taking medication.

For the next six months, Carlene regularly met with Grace’s nutritionist, Ann-Marie Cools, to help with lifestyle changes. Changes integrated into her routine included monitoring her portion sizes 85% of the week, moving more, eating more fresh produce and walking 15 miles per week.

As a result of the nutrition education and Grace’s support, Carlene lost 37 pounds and her A1c is in the normal range. She feels energetic and more confident in her 50’s, than she did in her 30’s.