Finding Hope and Healing Through Worship

Grace Medical Home's annual Patient Worship Service stands as a beacon of light in a world often shrouded in darkness. It is a place where the broken find healing, the weary find rest, and the lost find hope. Through prayer, praise, and testimonies of faith, lives are touched, hearts are renewed, and miracles unfold. In this sacred space, the journey from illness to wholeness is not merely physical but spiritual, as patients discover that true healing begins with a surrendered heart and a steadfast trust in the Lord.

The service began with an invocation led by Dr. Kirsten Carter, lifting up the 200 attendees gathered and inviting the presence of God into our humble parking lot.

The Grace Worship Team lead the congregation in soul-stirring renditions of beloved worship songs, the timeless hymns of "Amazing Grace/My Chains are Gone," serving as a powerful reminder of the freedom found in redemption. The atmosphere shifted with the energetic anthem "Famous For," celebrating the faithfulness of a God who works wonders in the lives of His people.

Dr. Marvin Hardy welcomed attendees and facilitated heartfelt patient testimonies. These personal accounts of resilience and restoration served as a testament to the healing power of both medicine and faith. Through tears and triumphs, patients shared their journeys, inspiring hope in the hearts of all who listened.

Continuing in worship, the congregation embraced the bilingual lyrics of "Tu/You," uniting diverse backgrounds in a common expression of devotion. The poignant strains of "Great are You Lord" invited participants to reflect on the majesty and mercy of their Creator.

Pastor Omar Cardona delivered a timely message, imparting words of wisdom and encouragement to those facing trials and tribulations. His sermon touched on themes of perseverance, faithfulness, and the assurance of God's presence in every circumstance. As Pastor Cardona extended an invitation for prayer, hearts were opened to Christ for divine intervention and spiritual breakthroughs.

Stephanie Garris, with gratitude overflowing, expressed appreciation for the community gathered and led a closing prayer, enveloping all in a sense of unity and peace. As the service concluded and lunch began, echoes of worship lingered, serving as a reminder of the transformative power of faith and fellowship.

A special thanks to Keator Construction for sponsoring the event, Elevation Church for providing lunch for attendees, and volunteers with UCF College of Medicine for assisting in parking for the service. The day wouldn’t have been perfect without your help!