Kelly's Story


Ten years ago, Kelly had a medical emergency. As an employee of a small retail business, she had no insurance. Without options, she went to the emergency room. When she was admitted, her health had declined so rapidly that she needed four units of blood. The provider caring for her recommended a treatment plan, but she was unable to schedule any of the follow-ups because of her insurance status.

The hospital did what they could for an uninsured patient and released her with medication to manage her condition. Kelly left the hospital knowing she would be back when the medication ran out. She reached a point of despair, prayed, and gave her health to God. About a month later, Kelly was getting her hair cut and overheard an employee mention a place called Grace Medical Home that cared for people without insurance. 

She called right away to enroll as a patient. “I didn’t know what it was like to have a doctor, to have cholesterol workups or anything like that,” says Kelly. As a patient at Grace, she was able to stabilize her condition and receive the care she needed. When Kelly’s husband died suddenly in 2018, Grace was there. Grief-stricken and experiencing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, Kelly sought out mental health counseling and the spiritual care team at Grace. The spiritual care team prayed with Kelly, walked with her through her grief, and provided a listening ear during her time of need.

Two years later, Kelly has been able to process her experience. “God has restored my joy and laughter. I have a burning in my heart to serve others. I’m happiest when I’m helping others,” Kelly says of her experience at Grace.